A few weeks ago, Dan and I were faced with a big decision.
We had to decide if we would opt to take the easy road or,
dare to take a leap of faith and follow where God was nudging.
We took the leap and what unfolded was far beyond anything
we could have orchestrated on our own.
With the decision to raise money towards the
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) for
Dan's first IronMan on July 23, 2017--
we felt a little nervous about how
to trust God and pledge to raise at least $5,000.
The school where I teach,
St. Matthew Lutheran School in Walled Lake, MI
wanted to become involved.
As we began brainstorming
God worked out all the details.
What evolved was "Color Out Cancer."
With passionate student council members
and direction from our principal, Sue Palka,
a beautiful idea was formed.
With so many loved one's fighting different types of cancer,
we decided to create a prayer chain with those who have
fought their battles and are in their heavenly home &
those who are currently fighting to overcome cancer.
Students could select the color of paper based on the type of cancer.
It was very moving to see the length of our prayer chain.
With names added by church members, '
school families, and students-
Each person was remembered, named & prayed for
before the start of our race.
Gathered together as one--
community was formed.
Students wore the color of those they were running for in
hopes of "coloring out cancer."
After seeing the fire that was ignited in our student body,
school, and staff--I am reminded of the verse:
"therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great
cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders
and the sin that so easily entangles.
And let us run with perseverance
the race marked out for us."
-Hebrews 12:1
Our goal was well surpassed through these efforts!
God just wanted us to TRUST and LEAP.
It's amazing what can happen when you do!
Here is a link to Dan's page with more information: