
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Beauty in the Journey

Have you ever wanted to quickly get where you are going?
I feel as if I'm always in a rush.
Trying to get from point A to point B as fast as I can.
Life never seems to
So, I have to be intentional.
Intentionally, stop and take in the beauty that surrounds me.

In these rushed moments, what have I missed?
What has God placed in my path that I've been too busy to notice?
I believe that God is daily orchestrating
what I will encounter.
He yearns for me to take notice.

My feet stand upon this heart-shaped rock
 in the Sea of Galilee
Used as anchors for the boats- thousands of years ago.
This is where Jesus stepped into a boat and found his peace--
He disappeared from the busyness around him 
and was able to be STILL.
This is where He summoned the disciples to--
"come and follow me."

He wants me to drop it all--
the lists of to do's, phone calls, emails, chores--
and put Him

Only then, will my eyes be focused on
 seeing the beauty in the journey.