
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Counting Gifts

Several years ago my mom gave me the book,
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Vosskamp.
In her book she describes the difficulty
of finding ways to
 "live fully right where you are."
Living this way takes practice.
It means your eyes are open
 and seeking these moments.
It takes a mental shift 
to find joy and gratitude
in each day--even the hardest.
She has a wonderful inspirational blog 
where she also gives resources
to adopt counting your own joys and blessings.
I've been doing this practice for several years 
and keep them in a journal where I can 
look back on days, months, 
and years of blessings.
There are days when I run out of room
 to write my joys
and then there are days 
that are really hard to think of
one thing I'm thankful for in my day.
However, I've found in those harder days,
I'm still focusing on God because I'm
 looking for my "one joy" of the day. 
Ann has created a journal page
 for each month
of the year that you can download
 and print out.
I've taken these and taped them
 into a larger journal.
I keep this by my bedside table
 and before bed,
write down my joys from the day.
I continue to add to the
 same journal year after year.
It is very neat to look back 
and reflect on what I've written--
to see the peaks and valleys--
and how God has brought me
 through them all.

If you are looking for a challenge,
a new focus, change...
try adding this very simple routine
 to your life.
You will be amazed at all the ways
 God is continually
blessing all your moments.
Grab a copy of Ann's book
and sign up to follow her blog.
(Her book is also a great gift 
with a joy journal for a friend!)
I love the idea of adopting this practice
as a family or even in the classroom.

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